Thursday, October 18, 2007

A dedication to Austin Holden and Laurie Bell Tuesday 16th

We had a 20 km day today and the weather looked good. After an excellent breakfast at L'Esquella we filled up our water bottles from the spring in the main square in Setcases and set off. In the first 3kms we had to climb 600 metres to a high meadow. We were able to look back at the mountains that we had crossed yesterday before the downhill walk to the village of Molló. We stopped for lunch there before starting the 10km trek to my favourite Catalan village, Beget. I have been to Beget a few times before but this was the first time on foot and it was interesting to follow the old original track that was the only way to get to the village up to 40 years ago. Beget has an important historical building, the church that was built in the 12th century and is the church of Saint Christopher the patron saint of travellers. So, apart from being a 4th Chris, he was the guy to ask for good things to happen to us on the rest of the trip. Also I thought it appropriate to light a candle for a couple of old friends who are no longer with us; my good friend Laurie Bell who died in an accident nearly 20 years ago and our mutual friend Austin Holden who passed away only a week ago. They say only the good die young, particularly true with Laurie and Austin. The world is a better place for them having lived in it.


Anonymous said...

Glad you've made it to that church Chris, my thoughts are with you on that one. Vicki

Anonymous said...

A wonderful moment in a perfect enviroment, its not often one can do this to honour the passing of special people.